Ego – Friend or Foe?

What do you believe about your ego?

When you hear the word “ego,” what comes to mind? What feeling comes up?

Do you feel warm fuzzies for your friendly ego or angst, and your heart sinks because it is a fearful foe?

We hear a lot about our ego, and it seems that many teachers and coaches refer to it as a problem—at least, that’s how I’ve interpreted their teaching. They say that our ego causes many of our problems. It’s the bad guy that causes us angst about what we want. It is a foe and not to be befriended! The ego is something to squash and control.

I’ve never resonated with this theory. Here’s why…

I believe that our ego is one of our guiding forces. It’s the one helping us decide what we want. It helps us perceive the world around us so we can choose what we’d prefer when we see something we don’t like or want. I always felt like the ego is of great value in the creation process. However, this belief does not typically align with the teaching I receive from my coaches. So, I’ve had difficulty finding my own truth because my coaches are so near and dear to my heart. I trust and respect each one. What if they are right and I’m just misunderstanding my ego?

Then, I recently saw this quote from my mentor, Abraham-Hicks, and it all made sense. Here’s the quote:

“Your ego is not a problem. In fact, your ego is essential to your fulfilling of your reason for being here. Because what we would describe your ego as, is this physical countenance or ability to perceive. Your ego is your physical focuser and if you did not have this egotistical ability to focus, then you would not be of any advantage to the non-physical energy. So, it is not having the ego that is the problem. It’s using the ego to exclude that, is the problem. It is using the ego to talk about what you don’t want. If you were an egotistical being talking about what you do want purely, you would stay in sync with that non-physical energy and you would fulfill your reason for being.”

How does this quote resonate with you? 

Did you get a twinge of feeling offended because it goes against what you’ve been taught to believe about the ego?

Did you just have a lightbulb-in-the-soul moment? 

Do you now see your ego differently?

For me, this totally confirmed and clarified what I’d been thinking all along. I laugh because seeing the ego as a foe always reminds me of the comedian Flip Wilson in his character “Geraldine” in the 1970s, who said, “The devil made me do it!” Geraldine was always blaming the devil when she realized she had done something she didn’t want to be responsible for. (And, yes, I’m dating myself!) It’s like we are always looking for someone or something to blame when we get ourselves into trouble because of the sloppy use of our focusing mechanism—our ego!

Our ego is a necessary part of our spiritual equation. It is our physical focusing mechanism. When we think about the ego like this, it puts the responsibility of focusing squarely on us. The ego is not some maniac running around in our body, wreaking havoc. We allow our physical focusing ability to get sloppy and undisciplined. When we allow our ego, our physical focusing mechanism, to get out of control and cause problems, that’s on us!

We are misusing our ego. We are using the ego to exclude what we really want. We are using it to focus on what we don’t want instead of what we do want. When we listen to and believe the teaching that the ego is uncontrollable or somehow less-than, we are believing a lie. Test it—you can know it is a lie because thinking badly about your ego feels bad. That’s like saying this part of you is bad or not valuable—you’re standing in judgment or condemnation of the part of you that is your ego. 

Any negative emotion indicates that thought is in disagreement and out of harmony with the thoughts of our Inner Beings! So, our Inner Beings do not agree with us if we think the ego is a foe to be beaten down and wrestled to the ground. The ego is not something we have to fight to control!

The ego provides us with the amazing ability to focus our physical minds! This egotistical ability to focus our thoughts makes us so valuable to the non-physical expansion of All-That-Is. As we focus on what we want and feel good, we use our egotistical ability to focus exactly how we intended to as we came here. We are now of great benefit to the very expansion of the Universe. Shift your perception to your ego being a dear friend!

Your ego is the reason you can perceive what you want and then deliberately focus purely on your desires with joy! Yeah, that’s your ego’s job!

So, what are the KEYS TO JOYFUL LIVING regarding the ego?

*Our ego is essential for fulfilling our purpose of being here.

*Our ego is the physical ability to perceive and focus.

*Because we have the egotistical ability to focus, we are advantageous to the non-physical energy for the purpose of expansion and evolution.

*Our ego is only a problem when we use it to focus on what we don’t want MORE than what we do want—which is always under our control.

*Using our egotistical ability to focus on what we want will hold us in sync with the non-physical energy and, in doing so, would fulfill our reason for being here.

*Our purpose is to experience as much joy as possible, AND joy is who we are. When we use our ego to focus on what we want, we are experiencing joy—we are experiencing more of who we ARE!

Have you now recognized your ego as something beneficial—a dear friend?

Do you recognize that only you control your ego and how you use it? Wow! What freedom!

Can you see where you have blamed your ego for stuff you created with your slopping use of thinking (your physical egotistical ability to perceive and focus)?

How will you proceed? How will you move forward and use your ego to the advantage of fulfilling your purpose in this life—to experience more joy?

Will you use your ego to perceive and focus on what you do want MORE than what you don’t want? Use it how you intended to when you came into this life!

Spend a little time with your journal and reflect on these questions. Acknowledge that your ego is a dear friend—not a foe! Tell your ego that you are ready to use it wisely with the intention of feeling good more often. 

Making peace with and befriending your ego will bring you such freedom! It will restore your empowerment, which you may have previously given away to others. When you make the decision to think more about what you do want rather than what you don’t want, you are now using your egotistical ability to focus in the most advantageous way!

Now, you will feel your empowerment returning.

You will be more deliberate in thinking more about what you want.

You will see the subtle, and maybe not so subtle, uplifting of your emotions and watch the Universe bring new and amazing experiences into your life. You will feel the joy of who you really are! And your ego just may become your best friend!

If this post resonates with you, please like, comment, and share it. This really helps my work expand and touch more lives with joy! Thanks in advance!

To the befriending of your ego,

Mary Ann Pack

Spiritual Medium, Author/Publisher, & Joyologist!

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