Cardinal Spirit Message: Recognizing Self-Importance

As I was sitting on the front porch at the end of February, a female Cardinal Spirit came to me. She perched in one tree and moved to another and even to the porch railing. She spent quite a bit of time with me before flying off. I had asked her what message she was bringing to my attention. I asked my spirit guides if they had something to tell me. 

As I sat to write, I heard her chirping right outside my window! She was back to greet me and let me know the message was still valid and that I was on the right track.

I looked up the Cardinal Spirit Message in Ted Andrews’ book, Animal Speak, my favorite resource. Here is the overall message:

  • Renewed Vitality through Recognizing Self-Importance
  • Rhythm of 12
  • Renew our own vitality and recognize the importance of our own life roles.
  • Accepting a new sense of our true self-importance.
  • Listen to the inner voice (the feminine) more closely for our health and well-being.
  • Need to assert the feminine aspects of creativity and intuition more strongly.
  • Care more about your diet. 
  • Responsibility and recognition of the importance of the task at hand.
  • Add color to your life.
  • Everything you do is important.

What I do is important! Who I am is important! It’s important to enjoy the task at hand and use my feminine creativity and intuition. 

This is a potent message for me as I have a tendency to downplay what I do. I think it stems from being indoctrinated in the church with limiting beliefs, especially around the role of women. We can’t be too proud or have a sense of self-importance!

In speaking with a coaching friend, we discussed the importance of utilizing our feminine intuition more. How important it is to have that flow in what we do. That our creative energy keeps our work flowing. We receive inspired action steps that move us forward to our desires.

I appreciate receiving this message from a female Cardinal as it emphasizes the divine feminine energy. Reassuring me that I can celebrate my divine feminine and recognize my self-importance. No matter what others may say or think about me, my work and self ARE important in the world. Everyone else is irrelevant to my happiness and joy. I get to create my reality in joy!

And it doesn’t hurt to add a splash of color! Purple is my favorite, representing the highest vibration of the visible spectrum. It symbolizes royalty, power, wealth, spiritual consciousness, passion, magic, and imagination. Balancing the spirit-mind-body while brightening the Universe.

Purple is associated with the numerical rhythm of seven (7), which is introspection, mystical, wisdom, and intellect. Dignity and pride in Self align with the self-importance message of Cardinal Spirit!

Purple and seven are also future-looking in nature. Cardinal looks forward to new opportunities. 

Thank you, Cardinal Spirit, for your delightful message!


  • My vitality is renewable, and I care for my well-being.
  • I honor and recognize my self-importance.
  • Listen to my inner feminine voice for creativity and intuition.
  • Give every task at hand its due importance.
  • Add color to life.
  • Whatever I do is important!

Since my initial visit with Cardinal Spirit, she has visited me almost every morning as I sit in the rocker on the front porch. Occasionally, her hubby Cardinal comes along for a nice blend of feminine and masculine energy!

Recently one morning, I saw her on the railing just outside my window in the living room where I was sitting. Later, I decided to go outside. Almost as soon as I sat down, a Mockingbird flew into the Bois d’Arc (Osage Orange or horse apple) tree in front of the porch and started singing loudly. 

As I was talking to the Mockingbird and telling him how lovely he was, I asked him where Mrs. Cardinal was. I had barely gotten that question out when she soared over the roof just above me from over the house behind me and flew into the Bois d’Arc tree!!! I acknowledged her and laughed at how my alignment had brought her to visit!

I realized I was already feeling good in my alignment as I had posted a rampage of appreciation earlier on an Abraham page I follow on Facebook, so I was already in the receiving mode. It truly is that alignment trumps everything and brings such lovely experiences into our lives!

Thank you, Cardinal Spirit, for playing with me.Thank you, Source, for providing me with fun and delightful ways to confirm my alignment! I am so happy to be creating the life I love!

To your joyful alignment,

Mary Ann Pack

Do you realize just how important you are? This world would not be the same had you not chosen to come into this time-space reality now. You’re so important you have been given the responsibility to create your own life! May I suggest that you begin practicing visualizing and scripting your dream life? MY DREAM LIFE STORYBOOK: MANIFESTING YOUR DESIRES THROUGH VISUALIZATION AND SCRIPTING is a great way to begin your journey of creating a life you love! This is a small 30-day practice that will change your life by offering different topics and writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing. Happy creating!

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